Trump Suffers Brutal Georgia Primary Vote Against Him

( – Donald Trump recently faced a surprising challenge from Nikki Haley in the Georgia Republican primary. She was able to get nearly 14 percent of the vote even though she dropped out of the race.

Haley won over 77,000 votes in the state. However, Trump still secured victory with 84 percent of the vote, also winning in Mississippi and Washington. His wins solidify his nomination for the Republican Party in the upcoming general election against President Joe Biden.

While Trump has been the all-but-confirmed winner for the 2024 Republican nomination for a while now, his struggle to attract support from moderate Republicans could pose challenges in the general election. In 2020, Trump lost Georgia by a narrow margin of fewer than 12,000 votes, making it a crucial state to reclaim if he aims to return to the White House.

In Georgia, Haley surprisingly showcased some strength in counties like Fulton and DeKalb, which have a lot of residents. Despite not being on the ballot officially, Haley secured votes mainly from people who voted before her withdrawal from the race, according to multiple news sources and polls.

Haley also performed unexpectedly well across 15 races on Super Tuesday, even winning in Vermont. She garnered significant support in various states, including Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Colorado. This raised questions about whether her supporters will rally behind Trump for the main election. Haley herself did not endorse Trump when she dropped out.

Trump still faces a lot of challenges in getting support from within the Republican Party, especially from more moderate voters. However, with his nomination secured and the general election looming, Trump’s focus now shifts towards rallying his good number of supporters to defeat Biden in November. As Biden and Trump have both officially won the nominations for their parties, the rematch for 2024 is essentially set now.

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