Maher Pushes Joe Biden To Drop Kamala Harris And Pick Nikki Haley

( – In an attempt to mend relations between political parties, the comedian Bill Maher proposed a strange idea to President Joe Biden. He suggested that Biden should consider alternatives for Vice President Kamala Harris, such as Nikki Haley or Republican Senator Mitt Romney.

During an episode on his Real Time show on HBO, Maher suggested that a unification involving Biden and a Republican running mate could lead to the Democrats winning the election. Maher acknowledged that this is unlikely to happen, since Harris is expected to remain Biden’s running mate. He also recognized Democrats might have issues with Haley and her past controversial takes on racism in the US.

While addressing concerns about removing Harris, Maher pointed out that Haley is also a woman of color. This could counter potential criticism from the core of the Democratic party, including from black women. Another potential candidate Maher suggested was Utah Senator Mitt Romney.

Maher argued for a bipartisan approach to the political landscape, which could reduce the perception of the other side as an existential threat.

Harris has faced challenges in demonstrating that she is competent, with approval ratings lower than Biden’s. Maher highlighted these struggles, particularly regarding the border crises and her many awkward speeches.

In a previous discussion in October 2022, Maher floated the idea of replacing Harris on the ticket due to her perceived lack of popularity. He received applause from his liberal audience for the suggestion.

Last week, Maher even recommended Biden should drop out from the race entirely, arguing that it would secure a Democratic victory. Meanwhile, Nikki Haley suspended her presidential campaign after a disappointing Super Tuesday turnout. She refrained from endorsing former President Trump, the leading Republican nominee.

Trump currently stands as the last major Republican candidate and is on track to secure the party’s nomination for a third time. Regardless of who President Biden picks as his running mate, the battle for the Presidency in November is set to be one of the most important elections in history.

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