McConnell, Trump Teams Discuss Potential Endorsement

( – Newsmax is reporting that the Trump campaign is seeking an endorsement from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). The two men have not spoken to one another since December 2020, when shortly thereafter McConnell sided with Democrats and blamed the events of January 6 on Trump. Despite the bad blood, sources with both campaigns are suggesting the two men are close to burying the ax for the good of the country.

A source told The Hill that the party is beginning to coalesce behind Trump as the presumptive nominee. The source added that Republicans understand that four more years of Joe Biden would be disastrous for America.

The New York Times initially broke the story, claiming that Trump campaign adviser Chris LaCivita has been in quiet conversations with McConnell adviser Josh Holmes. The two reportedly began discussing the possibility around the time of the Iowa caucuses. Both McConnell and Trump were made aware that their advisers were in communications about a potential endorsement.

Trump reported to the media in late January that he anticipated McConnell’s eventual endorsement. McConnell is a major Republican party leader whose endorsement could signal to donors that it’s time to back Trump in the competition against Joe Biden. Biden is well ahead of Trump in campaign cash.

Despite having previously blamed Trump for J6 by suggesting he was “morally” and “practically” responsible, McConnell also indicated that he will eventually endorse the Republican nominee.

Trump campaign director of communications Steven Cheung called Trump “the presumptive nominee” and said that the time for the party to rally around Trump is now, with the collective goal of defeating Joe Biden in November. He added that Trump’s campaign has only sought endorsement from America First politicians.

McConnell’s spokesman declined to give comment on the subject. McConnell may be irritated that Trump urged Republicans to quash a border deal that was largely about international aid and ratifying the current status quo rather than securing the border. The international aid provisions were spliced off, and were approved in the Senate. Speaker Mike Johnson said the bill will not come up in the House in its current form.

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