Super PAC Backing Tim Scott Is Canceling Advertisements

( – A super PAC supporting Senator Tim Scott’s potential 2024 presidential bid has communicated to its donors its decision to withdraw its advertisements for autumn of 2024.

In the memo disclosed on Monday, October 16, Rob Collins, Co-Chair of the Trust in the Mission PAC, informed donors that the group would still back alternative fundraising approaches for Scott but perceives mass media investment as an unjustifiable expense for the current context.

Collins conveyed in the memo that they do not intend to squander their funds when the public’s attention is not oriented towards or prepared for a Trump alternative, as reported by The Post.

He elaborated, stating that extensive research has been completed, including a thorough examination of focus group findings and continuous monitoring of Tim’s campaign. He indicated the public’s position remains unwavering, and financial investments in mass media won’t yield substantial shifts in public opinion until we draw closer to the election date, as articulated in the memo.

Collins confirmed that the Trust in the Mission PAC would continue to completely support all of their initiatives and decisions regarding any future announcements.

This memo coincides with the fact that Scott has not yet witnessed a surge in the polls that would establish him as a credible contender against the runaway frontrunner, former President Trump.

Nevertheless, Scott maintains the most substantial primary cash reserve apart from Trump, with $11 million at his disposal for the primary race, compared to DeSantis’s $5 million and Haley’s $9 million.

In response to reports about the super PAC’s memo, Scott’s campaign defended his position in the election.

Tim’s campaign said that from day one they prepared for the long term, indicating they had a lot of cash on hand. His campaign also talked about his nuanced stances regarding abortion, Israel, and other relevant political issues that are no doubt important to any candidate who is running in 2024.

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