School Investigates Students Over “Harassment” Of Transgenders

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( – While many around the nation appear to be viewing the controversy surrounding transgender bathroom usage in schools through the filter of male-on-female violence, an unintended side issue appears to be unfolding. Right or wrong, students are now being investigated for following their own district’s rules.

After a school in Illinois underwent a policy shift that allowed self-identifying transgender students to enter the restroom that best aligned with their gender expression, unplanned consequences followed. A portion of that policy opened a single private bathroom to students with traditional views. According to an October 5 report from the Daily Wire, the district failed to foresee how many students would actually put that private bathroom to use.

The story appears to convey that the line to the restroom in question, which was directly adjacent to the nurse’s office, resembled what one might see outside a porta-potty at a festival. Records shared with the outlet by Parents Defending Education appear to show that the school’s superintendent was unable to believe that such a large percentage of his student body was opposed to transgender bathroom usage.

Brian Charron, the superintendent, said the lengthy line was nothing more than an “act of protesting” and that the majority of the students standing in it were guilty of “harassing” their trans student counterparts. As a result, Charron added that administrators at the school would be opening an investigation into the matter.

Students who continued to use the private bathroom under false pretenses would “be disciplined,” he said in a letter addressed to the student’s families on March 17. Charron went on to say that the resulting line that built up outside the nurse’s office was part of a coordinated effort with the intention of causing “a disruption.”

Parents Defending Education is a group that seeks to reverse what they say is the LGBTQ indoctrination of youngsters in public schools around the nation. Their “indoctrination map” can be seen here.

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