60 Percent Of Independents Support Deporting Illegal Immigrants

(ConservativeJournal.org) – Independents asked in a recent poll largely agreed that illegal immigrants should be deported. Sixty-one percent of independents want to deport most or all of the illegals currently in the country; Republicans agreed to the tune of 85%. Only 26% of Democrats said they’d support mass deportations.

It’s been estimated that there have been over 10 million illegals allowed into the country during the Biden administration with conservative estimates suggesting there were as many as ten million illegals living in the country prior. That’s a whopping total of 20 million or more.

With that many illegals, there are more foreigners in the country than native-born members of certain minorities. That amount even dwarfs the populations of some U.S. states.

Deportations and crackdowns on crime have become central to Republican platforms heading into the November elections. Former President Donald Trump has already presented potential executive orders and other plans of action to close the border and remove all the illegals in the country.

While deportation is popular, the use of large-scale detention facilities is not, with a little over half (54%) opposing their use ahead of deportation. It’s unclear how the government would go about deportation if law enforcement is unable to make arrests and detain individuals.

The poll queried 3,208 registered voters from a national sample and suggests national sentiments are heavily focused on the southern border and immigration as central issues this election cycle.

Biden has largely been blamed for the fiasco, despite attempts to shift the blame to the GOP, claiming he needs sweeping new powers before he can do anything. Former President Trump attacked Biden on the issue months ago when Republican Senators conjured a “bi-partisan agreement” which attempted to legalize the status quo of regular incursions by thousands of illegals per week.

Trump’s opposition to the deal was a major obstacle and House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested it was “dead on arrival.” The legislation is effectively tabled for now with Republicans signaling that comprehensive reform will have to wait until after the election.

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